Electrical Engineering
& Applications
Electrical solutions for the marine industry
At Itxasmarine we have been offering electrical and automation solutions for the naval sector for decades. We combine experience and innovation in order to offer a wide variety of products, electrical systems and customized automation, so that whatever the customer needs, we can always offer the best solution.
Electrical switchboards
Oil conditioning
Control desk
Thrusters control
Energy efficiency
Worldwide technical service
We offer technical assistance to ships in different ports and places in the world.
Our presence covers the closest ports in the Basque Country, such as Bilbao, Ondarroa, Pasajes, etc, to other Spanish ports such as: Algeciras, Avilés, Barcelona, Burriana, Gijón, Sagunto, Santander, Vigo, etc.
Countries where we have worked.

Consulting and advice
Itxasmarine has a technical office comprising a team of engineers and a group of qualified technicians with broad experience in the shipping sector; they provide their knowledge to tackle any situation raised by our customers: collaboration and guidance in new projects, advice in parts supply, etc.
Itxasmarine is certified by Bureau Veritas with the ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 that endorse as a company focusing to attend to customers who require added value in quality. A quality which, as we see it, is turned into reliability and thoroughness. These are key concepts on which we work in order to achieve ongoing improvement that will enable us to compete on the highest level on an increasingly demanding global market.

Quality, environment, safety and occupational health policy
ITXASMARINE, company dedicated to electrical engineering, manufacturing, installation and assembly of naval and industrial electrical equipment and automation and control systems adapting to the needs of Quality, Environment, Safety and Occupational Health that demand an increasingly competitive market, responds to this challenge through the continuous improvement of the service offered to said market, supported by the Integrated Management System implemented in accordance with the requirements of the UNE EN-ISO 9001, UNE EN-ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 Standards.
The Management expressly expresses its commitment to enhance this Integrated Management System, in order to achieve compliance with the following general objectives:
• Quality management, safety and health at work, and environmental management for the permanent improvement of all its processes and activities, in order to satisfy the requirements specified by the interested parties and thus aim at boosting their own satisfaction; promoting the respect for the environment, providing the necessary resources not only to assure the safety of the company members, but also for improving the conditions in an effective manner in which the work activities are developing, increasing as well the level of well-being and job satisfaction. Therefore, it assumes the maximum responsibility of defining, implementing, spreading, supporting and revising an Integrated Quality, Environment and Safety and Occupational Health Management Policy that satisfies such aim.
• The Management System is oriented towards the continuous improvement of its services, the commitment to protect the environment, prevent pollution and the harm and deterioration to general health, as well as maintaining the general health and safety on the job. We should learn from failures and use them to eliminate the sources or causes that generated them, providing safe working conditions.
• The necessary resources will be provided to obtain the established Objectives and goals.
• The Management is committed to compliance with all applicable legal requirements and other requirements that the organization subscribes to concerning its customers, and interested parties, occupational health, safety and environmental aspects in general within the company’s context, as well as to reduce the negative environmental impacts, influencing behaviours aimed at optimizing the consumption and waste caused by our activity.
• In addition, the company maintains a commitment to prevent damage and health deterioration, to continuously improve the management of health and safety at work and carry it out, eliminating the dangers and minimizing the risks.
•In this sense ITXASMARINE assumes the following commitments:
- Promote the continuous improvement of behaviours and JSA levels.
- Involve all company personnel in the responsibility of managing the JSA, including contractors and collaborators in the active commitment to improving the working conditions of their employees.
- Encourage participation, information, training and consultation of all staff. Including temporary and external workers who work in the facilities, to maintain an adequate level of prevention in the company.
• The implementation of this Integrated Management System requires the collaboration and participation of all levels and for this, information, communication and training are essential, and the consultation and participation of workers as well.
ITXASMARINE Management ensures that, through its Training Plan, its Policy is understood and accepted by all staff and is available to all people working for or on behalf of the organization, as well as the general public.

Action co-financed by the Basque Government and the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund 2014-2020 (FEDER)

Action co-financed by the Basque Government and the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund 2014-2020 (FEDER)